The Strahov canteen restaurant is in operation again 17. 10. 2023Technical problems removed, restaurant in operation. Change of operating hours in Kladno buffet. 16. 10. 2023The change applies from 16 October until further notice. Regular inspections of the condition of the rooms in the Strahov dormitories 5. 10. 2023From October 2023, regular room condition checks will be carried out. Public meeting in the Strahov canteen 30. 9. 2023A discussion with students takes place on October 4, 2023 in the Strahov… Order of the director of the CFA CTU in October 2023 29. 9. 2023The order sets the price of electricity for October 2023. RE-PARK YOUR CAR !!!! 21. 9. 2023The Strahov OpenAir festival takes place on September 27. Closure of catering operations 19. 9. 2023On Friday, September 29, 2023, all catering operations of SFA CTU will be… Order of the director of the CFA CTU in September 2023 3. 9. 2023The order sets the price of electricity for September 2023. Change of operating hours of Strahov dormitory offices 28. 8. 2023The end of the summer operation of the dormitory offices. Registration closed 19. 8. 2023Accommodation registration for students of other universities closed. Closing of the Technical canteen on 8/16/2023 13. 8. 2023Canteen closure due to hot water outage. Order of the director of the CFA CTU No. 11/2023 31. 7. 2023Order for determining the price od electricity for August 2023. APPLICANTS – Accommodation Allocation 27. 7. 2023Evaluation of accommodation based on requests Evaluation of applications for currently accommodated who are not CTU students 23. 7. 2023Evaluation of applications for not CTU students Results of accommodation allocation based on applications for CTU 19. 7. 2023Applications for accommodation of CTU students submitted by 7/17/2023 Office hours at the Strahov dormitories in the summer 14. 7. 2023Change in the opening hours of the offices in the Strahov dormitories Evaluation of accommodation reservations for AR 2023/2024 30. 6. 2023Results of Accommodation Allocation Based on Reservation at the Dormitories… Order of the director of the CFA CTU No. 9/2023 30. 6. 2023Order for determining the price of electricity for July 2023. Reconstruction of block 4 Strahov dormitories 22. 6. 2023Due to the reconstruction block 4 is completely closed. Concert of the band Visacizamek at the Strahov dormitories 22. 6. 2023The concert will take place on June 24, 2023 from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. behind… Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last »